Slab Leak Signals, Warnings & Detection

Slab Leak Signals, Warnings & Detection   Do you need slab leak detection? Do you have an underground slab leak? What are the signs of a slab leak? How much does it cost to repair a slab leak? Read our blog to get your questions answered! More on Slab Leak Signals, Warnings & Detection: The most […]

Multi-Family Repipe for Community Managers

Multi-Family Repiping for Community Managers Executing a major Multi-Family repipe project for community managers, Home Owner Association (HOA) Managers, and Building Engineers is not an easy task. Multi-Family repiping requires multiple years of experience, knowledge, and accurate budgeting. Therefore, we have decided to write a blog post dedicated to all of our clients who are […]

Polybutylene Plumbing – Issues and Concerns

Polybutylene Plumbing – Issues and Concerns   What are Polybutylene Pipes? Polybutylene, or PB, are plumbing pipes produced between the years of 1978 and roughly 1995. Because Polybutylene was relatively inexpensive while providing good flexibility and low temperature resistance, it was installed in millions of homes throughout the United States. However, in 1996 various claims about […]